Friday, May 3, 2013

What Makes You Happy Everyday?!?!?

What makes you happy. I often looked information about different things in life to find out that I wasn’t happy with what I chose to do in life. I am not talking about now I am talking the past and I know a lot of people wish they can redo their past over, but guess what you can’t so you have to keep it moving.
I wrote about how my daughter pasted away with cancer months ago and from what I seen  of the medical community has really disgusted me. Everyone goes to the doctor to get better right? So we think, but actually they keep you coming trying out medicine after medicine. At first you think oh yeah its really working I feel a lot better, later on down the line the doctor may subscribe another medication a stronger dosage and the cycle just keeps going on and on.
Do you realize that medicine put a band aids on symptoms? Have you ever thought about questioning the doctor about why you may have an illness and where did it come from? Well I asked that question when my daughter was sick. To be quite honest with you with all of her “schooling” you would think she would know more. She really didn’t know at all.
I am thinking to myself like how are you going to be a “doctor” and not know how my daughter got the cancer or at least how its possible. My daughter had osteosarcoma and if you look that up that the cancer of the bone. The crazy part is boys normally get that disease, so you know in my head I am thinking how and why??? Only God truly knows that answer to that question
You know the crazy thing is you can’t tell the doctor that you don’t want your child to have the treatment. They will force it on you. If you don’t agree with the treatment you attempted to not have your child go through this oh trust and believe the will find you lock you up and make your child go for the treatment. Now if you are grown they will be the mess out of you on getting treatment.
I believe I said this in a previous blog, but I have researched about how cancers are even caused and you know what the answer is? Its out environment in where we live and what the types of food we eat processed foods and also vegetables and fruits that you buy from the regular market. I know red flags are going off all over the place, but if you research on how farmers do their crops they spray everything that grows. Not only that some farms some how implant the seeds before they are grown, so that when the plant starts growing the pesticides and whatever other chemicals they use comes out automatically.
I totally forgot about the what they put in the air and water its just pure insanity. Why poison people? The one thing that came to my mind is $$$$$ if this country doesn’t put all the chemicals in almost everything even the products we use all the time in our own houses, we wouldn’t be one of the “so called one of the wealthiest country in the world.”
I know one the the government and other agencies really need to think about what they are doing to cause harm to people. The only thing that comes to my mind is that they don’t care, but they should care. They will truly answer to God for what they have done to people in general.
I started doing some other researching on other countries that doesn’t use all the crap we use in our foods and its rare that people in their countries get sick like that.
The one thing that I would suggest is to start eating organic foods yes they can be expensive, but if it can keep you out of being in the doctor’s office and giving you an diagnosis of something you dread, by all means do it. Let your food be your medicine.
The only option that I see we can do as a people is to empower ourselves with everything. Don’t be so closed minded look at everything and do your own research don’t take someone’s opinion on anything even if it happens to be a fact. Do your due diligence and find out for yourself. Some people make the mistake of always listening to others. Yes your parents and older adults do know a lot, but they don’t know everything. I know I don’t know everything and I know you don’t either.
Let me get back to the medical field the medicine thing is not me, however I love to learn about different herbs that help the body get stronger. So I started looking into schools that do offer degree programs in the field, I am just waiting on the schools to contact me.
I ask you what make you happy and what are you going to do to achieve what you want to do in life? The opportunities are out there are you willing to take a chance to find out.
The one thing I remember listening to yesterday on 5Linx vitamin call is if you try one thing and you fail are you going to stop completely? Just think about it there was a time you didn’t know how to ride bike and you fell off scrapped your knee right? What did you do? Did you say? Oh forget this NEVER AGAIN!!! Nine times out of ten you got back up cleaned off your knee put a band aid on and hopped right back on. Again and again you fell off right? Did Oh that’s it I fell too many times and you gave up??? I am guessing you got back on the bike because you were determined and you were not trying to let that bike get the best of you right??? Well that’s life and in life you are going to have your bumps and bruises to prove that you went through a tornado and back. My whole point is you have to keep trying. You may have a business you are failing in or close to it and you should never give up. If you give up weeks or maybe years on down the line you are going to be asking yourself I wonder what would have happened if I would have stuck it out and keep moving.  Its not a good feeling at all, so if you know that something makes you happy go out and do it as long as you are not hurting someone in the process and take a chance in life instead of always going with the grain because you will eventually an up happy person you know? Trust me you don’t want that no one does!
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